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Showing posts from 2013

New Year Resolution 2014

A note on my year 2013 and year 2014. Though there are few that remain unsaid, I wonder why this list is almost same as that of last year's list . I know I am not including those things that "I won't" do. Of course, that list too seems the same. ;) Interesting statistics on top 10 new year resolutions . Special : Every time I finish reading a book, I felt an urge to read Thirukural. I am going to read Kurual throughout the year 2014 and many more years to come. 50 Kurals by the end of the year is the target. Reading : I read lots of books in 2013 ( )and I feel it is too much for me and hence will reduce reading books and will try to find time to reflect on the things read. I may have to start using a eBook Reader. Mother Teresa , The Alchemy of Enlightment, Yanni Issai Poarali, Thamizhar Thalaivar, The Theory of Everything , Simply Fly, The Power of Now, Awakening India, Aram , Marmangalin Parama Pitha are my...

ஜெயமோகனின் அறம்

நான் பெரும்பாலும் சிறுகதை, நாவல் வகையான புத்தகங்களைப் படிப்பதை தவிர்த்து விடுவேன். இருந்தாலும் விதிவிலக்காக சில (பல புத்தகங்களை) படித்ததுண்டு. சமீபத்தில் ஜெயமோகனின் அறம் என்ற சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு புத்தகத்தைப் படித்தேன். கொஞ்சம் கூட எதிர்பார்க்காத ஓன்று நமக்கு கிடைத்து அது ஒரு மதிப்புமிக்க பொருளாய் உணரும் போது இறைவனுக்கு ஒரு நன்றி சொல்லத்தான் தோன்றுகிறது. The Kite Runner கிடைத்து அதைப் படித்து முடித்தவுடன் ஒரு மனநிறைவை உணர முடிந்தது. இப்பொழுது அறம் . யாரோ ஜெயமோகனாம்; ஏதோ அறம் என்ற சிறுகதை தொகுப்பு புத்தகமாம்; கனவில் கூட படிக்க நினைக்காத ஒன்று. மழை என்ற தலைப்பில் கவிதை எழுதச் சொன்னார்கள். பரிசாக இந்தப் புத்தகத்தைக் கொடுத்தார்கள். படித்துப் பார்ப்போமே என்று படித்தேன். ஓலைச்சிலுவை என்ற தலைப்பில் ஒரு சிறுகதை. எங்கேயோ கேட்டது போல இருந்தது. சில பத்திகளை படித்தவுடன் புரிந்து விட்டது. பல மாதங்களுக்கு முன் எனது கல்லூரி ஆசிரியர் ஒருவர் இந்தப் புத்தகத்தை குறிப்பிட்டு ஓலைச்சிலுவை கதையைப் பற்றி சொல்லியிருந்தார். அதன்பின் புத்தகத்தையும், நூலாசிரியரையும் முழுவதுமாக மறந்துப் போனேன். நீங்களும் வெல்...

December Rain - 4

I can query a bit, question a little more, but I don't go any further. I stay with no question at a point where I know I can attempt an inch deeper but I stop there to make myself comfortable and letting all that needs to be questioned and answered be God. Why do people get old, struggle to live and yet no courage to die? Even the divine Soul trembled and cried on the cross in spite of knowing that He would get the eternal of it. Such is the greatness of addiction to this life, the feel of everyday's incompleteness and the longing for the tomorrow. Of course, the breathing of an old man may take a bunch of viruses from the air and save few kids from getting infected. I mean, there is a reason for everything.  For me, the "cigarette smoking causes cancer" shown before the movie is one of the most annoying advertisements - it is ugly. If anything needs to be fixed properly, it has be to dealt at the root. How about stop making cigarettes and have a law to give dea...


She is in her 20s and her smile, the smile, is the queen of smiles. The blossoming of it has more than just the physical perfection - something sparks in that smile that cannot be seen by everyone. Don't bother checking it, you neither have to believe me nor have to confirm it. It is too common that few believe in one thing and few others believe the exact opposite of it. Of course, there are things that we take without much disagreement. How about "Kids are too smart for the yester generations and their expressions are always cute". Do you agree? I had seen kids, age less than 10, in my school days too but I never appreciated them as mush as I do now. I am not sure whether it has to do anything with the age. I wonder how these kids are so smart. They can play mobile phone games better than you. They can tell you the route they visited recently. They can say about the favourite actor. They can spot the car model they like. They can tell you where their friend...

The Blind Man's Walk

I see blind people almost everyday, typically, while they cross the road or waiting for bus. I merely watch them, watch with no real intention to help them unless they are so close to me. It is really uneasy feel to see them struggling to find the right direction when everyone else is almost running. Yes, of course, they always get someone helping them. If I have to list the good things about auto-drivers, I'll surely put this on the top as they always voluntarily go and help. It was far brutal and cruel than what I have heard recently. But I kept quiet, possibly I didn't hear much about it in the media or because it had happened in a foreign country. Even a Tamil girl in Srilanka is a girl. I wasn't upset on the Vachathi incident and many of the similar incidents. I can find a case or two in the local newspaper everyday which doesn't seem to bother me much. But then what is special about this (December 2012) Delhi girl? I think it is more of my selfish nee...


You love so deeply still you pay no attention to it. Do you? It is pleasing, soothing; yet you cannot find few minutes to listen or you cannot refrain yourself from distracted by something or someone. Can you? When was the last time you listened to the music played by someone else? It is not that you don't like but it simply not in your focus at that time. Do you really need to concentrate on these little things?  May be, not! You are in the pantry and looking at the sky through the window and find something beautiful in the cloud formation. You show it to your friend and he too appreciates the beauty of it. The next day you find another one of those nature's art work and you call someone reading the newspaper and show it. You find another cute one on another day and try to show it to as many people as possible, after all, you know that everyone likes nature and what you see is one of beautiful creations of it. Now this day it looks so beautiful with sun rays piercing thro...


மழை என்ற தலைப்பில் ஒரு கவிதை சாரலாய் வீசிச் சென்ற   அவள் கார்கூந்தல் மணம்   மாலைகள் ஆயிரம் மறைந்தும்   மறையாமல் உயிருக்குள்.   மனம் மீண்டும் அதே சாரலுக்காய்!   எங்கோ இடித்தது   சிதைந்தது என் இனம்   கல்மழையாய் தாக்கி   தகர்த்தது என் இதயமதை.   பூமழைக்காய் இனியும் ஒரு புதுக்கனவு!   என் சிட்டின் மழலைச் சொல்   பனிமழையாய் குளிர்கிறது   உதடோடு பட்டுத் தெறிக்கும் உமிழ்நீரும்.   பனிமழையை தூவிட பரமனிடம்   ஒரு ஜனனவர வேள்வி!   வீரம் மறந்து வரலாறு தொலைத்து   புயல்மழையில் பூங்குயிலாய் வாழ்வில் வீழ்ந்து   என் இளைஞர்க் கூட்டம்.   இளந்தூறலாய் தூவி உயர்த்தவோர்   விதி செய்ய உள்ள ஏக்கம்!   விழி மூடி விண் நோக்கி   விழும் மழைத்துளியில்   முகம் புதைக்கும் ஒரு கணம்   உடலணுக்களெல்லாம் ஆனந்தக்   கூத்தாடும் நீர் மேல் மழையாய்!   Kovil Pillai P.

My Girl, The Best.

Love, like God, as God, always goes beyond the definition. No matter how much I try, the definition remains incomplete. Easily because it doesn't involve any materialistic, measurable thing but stays hidden behind them which I can never unveil. Have you listened to the song Aval Appadi Onrum Azaghilai ? How true it is! My girl has an unmatched beauty not because a greater beauty doesn't exist in this world but because my heart and eyes will naturally fail to see them anywhere else. And that failure is the only way of reaching an everlasting happiness. The little moments of caring and the deepest trust are the very essence of our life. My girl can list the things that I can never understand and understands the way to take care of them. My girl is great not because she can understand the mysteries of the world but because she can understand me. She is very much open to accept the new things that I need. There are things that won't fit in her way. I know I should forget a...

Story Behind your Date of Birth

If your date of birth is Number 1 : 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th Number 2 : 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th Number 3 : 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th Number 4 : 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st Number 5 : 5th, 14th, 23rd Number 6 : 6th, 15th, 24th Number 7 : 7th, 16th, 25th Number 8 : 8th, 17th, 26th Number 9 : 9th, 18th, 27th Number 1 You are smart, straight talking, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, angry, friendly, authorities, famous person. You always want to be and regarded as first on people position, they are often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people! You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get marry when you mature! You are likely to have problems with people who have opposite views. And you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy you will be very popular that everybody wi...

Let the donkey be donkey

Only the soul that accepts suffering in order to keep its work unadulterated can produce the work of genius. Only the rawness of the wholehearted work can let the magic of creation shine through. You did hear about Mozart. Didn't you? One of my college-mates is very fond of his works. I just know the name from him and nothing else - until recently. I got a chance to watch the movie "Amadeus" few months ago. A very good biographical movie about Mozart that depicts how he kept his originality in the midst of difficulties and became the musical genius. I felt like listening to every single bit of his work after watching the movie. You won't find a religion with no part for music in it. Will you? No science will offer you better solution for your inner turmoils than music. Such is the supremacy of music and its profound impact in our lives. I was talking to few of my colleagues during one of our lunch times. They were talking about music, specifically Talat Aziz and J...

Drana, the unnoticed love

Is there any mom out there who could make lunch even for her 1st standard daughter with no complaint from her? The food you make is tasteless, it is repetitive, it is not considered delicious for her class' standard and so on. No matter what you do, the kid will have her reason to dislike it. Probably that is what you did with your mom - check her laughing if she is around seeing this! You know what, there is a beauty in mother-daughter relationship. Your mom will have suggestions for your hair style. You won't like the dresses your mom choose for you as they are always old fashioned. Mom always complains about your hobbies because you need time to do something else as a girl. Your choice of friends always makes her worry for no apparent reason. Oh, may be, none of them. Yet, it is hard to find a day go without a little fight and a random quarrel between you and your mom. And the wonderfulness is that on top of all these illusionary misunderstandings you both build a beautifu...

அன்னையின் கருவில் கலையாமல்...

மிகுந்த வியப்பிற்கும் மெல்லிய சந்தேகத்திற்கும் இடையில் எழும் வினா - எப்படி வாழ்வின் அத்துனை கலையிலும் புலமையின் மெருகோடு ஒருவரால் கவி எழுத முடியும்? திருக்குறள் ஒருவரால் மட்டும் எழுதப்படாமலிருக்குமோ? ஆராய்ச்சி தேவையில்லை - முற்றுப்புள்ளிகளுக்காகவே படைக்கப்பட்ட கடவுள் இருக்கிறார். "தெய்வ புலவர்" என்பதை பெருமையுடன் ஏற்பதில் மகிழ்ச்சியே! பள்ளியில் படித்த திருக்குறளே நான் படித்த முதல் தன்னம்பிக்கையூட்டும் புத்தகம் என்பதை இப்போது அறிகிறேன். நெஞ்சில் நிறுத்திக் கொண்ட பலவற்றுள் இரண்டு இங்கு. வெள்ளத்தனைய மலர் நீட்டம் மாந்தர்தம் உள்ளத் தனையது உயர்வு. ஊழையும் உப்பக்கம் காண்பர் உலைவின்றித் தாழாது உஞற்றுபவர். சிவப்பு வண்ணம் பூசிக் கொண்ட எண்ணங்களுக்கு மத்தியில் மட்டுமே மலரும் அழகான, வலிமையான வரிகள். பொருள் தெரியாத சிறு வயதிலேயே பிடித்துப்போன பாடல், இனியும் பிடிக்காமல் போக எந்த காரணமும் பிறக்கப் போவதில்லை என்றே நம்புகிறேன். தோல்வி நிலையென நினைத்தால் மனிதன் வாழ்வை நினைக்கலாமா வாழ்வை சுமையென நினைத்து தாயின் கனவை மிதிக்கலாமா மரணிக்கத் தெரியாத நினைவுகளை உயிர் முழுவதும் புதைத்துச்...

Lunch with God

A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with Twinkies and a six-pack of Root beer and he started his journey. When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old man. He was sitting in the park just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him a Twinkie. He gratefully accepted it and smiled at him. His smile was so pleasant that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word. As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug. He gave him his biggest smile  ever. When the boy opened the door to...

With no partner

The thought, the longing would have started in your school days or it could be in your college days or it could be now, here, in your professional life. I just don't think it is the best time to get started in school days. I feel one is neither physically nor mentally strong enough in his school days, therefore, it is more of a destroyer than an enabler. It should be absolutely OK enough to run around and play games in that age. College days are fine but still one could postpone even at that age. Though you could get the best of friends at any stage of life, I guess, college days are the best time to get good friends.You could take timeout from it and spend the time with your friends and optionally you could concentrate on your studies. If you are looking for a great life in your 40s and 50s, you should start now at 20 - 30. Life always frightens you by showing all the great things and let you feel that missing even a single thing would make your life miserable. Your partner is o...

மாவோ : என் பின்னால் வா!

நூல்: மாவோ : என் பின்னால் வா! ஆசிரியர்: மருதன் வெளியீடு: கிழக்கு பதிப்பகம் From: அடக்குமுறையும் மிருகத்தனமும் தீராத அடிமைத்தனமும் நிறைந்தது சீனர்களின் வரலாறு. கிட்டத்தட்ட நான்காயிரம் ஆண்டு கால மன்னர் ஆட்சி. தொடர்ந்து பல நூற்றாண்டுகளாக அமெரிக்கா, பிரிட்டன், பிரான்ஸ், ஜப்பான் என்று மாறி மாறி சீனாவைத் துண்டாடிக் கொண்டிருந்த காலகட்டம் அது. சீனாவின் வரலாறை மாற்றியமைக்கும் உத்வேகத்துடன் தன் போர் முரசைக் கொட்டினார் மாவோ. என் பின்னால் வா என்று சீனாவைப் பார்த்து கம்பீரத்துடன் அழைப்பு விடுக்கும் தீரமும் துணிச்சலும் மாவோவிடம் இருந்தது. தேசமும் அவர் பின்னால் அணி திரண்டது. ஏகாதிபத்தியத்துக்கு எதிரான, நிலப்பிரபுக்களுக்கு எதிரான, அடக்குமுறைக்கு எதிரான மாபெரும் போராட்டம் மாவோவின் வழிகாட்டுதலுடன் தொடங்கியது. உழைக்கும் மக்களின் ஆட்சி முதன் முறையாக அங்கே மலர்ந்தது. சீன சரித்திரத்தில் எந்தவொரு தனி மனிதனும், எந்தவொரு கட்சியும், எந்தவொரு குழுவும் இதுவரை இத்தகைய சாதனையை நிகழ்த்தியது கிடையாது. மிக தெளிவான அரசியல் கொள்கை. தீர்க்கமான போர் தந்திரம். அசரவைக்கு...

Book: The Theory Of Everything

Book: The Theory Of Everything Author: Stephen W. Hawking Publications: Jaico Publishing House The author discuss about the history of universe in the form of seven lectures. It is very difficult to teach science even in schools. It is furthermore difficult to discuss about the physics and the theory behind them. The author talks about Big bang, theory of relativity, black holes, quantum mechanics and I felt as if I understood everything as it is all said in very simple terms. This is one of the books that you should read. Kovil Pillai P.

Movie List 2013

List of movies I hear about in year 2013 MovieList2013 S.No. Title Rating Language Link 1 Musa, The Warrior 65 Korean 2 Endukante... Premanta! 35 Telugu! 3 Modern Times 60 English 4 Scent Of A Woman 70 English 5 Kozhi Kuvuthu 20 Tamil   6 Seven Samurai 50 English 7 Aalayamani 60 Tamil 8 Unnale Unnale 35 Tamil 9 Alex Pandiyan 25 Tamil 10 Payyans 30 Malayalam 11 Nadodigal 35 Tamil   12 Searching for Sugar Man  60 English 13 Hitlist 15 Malayalam