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Showing posts from May, 2008

Ennavalin Paarvai

This post is not for you, if you can't understand Tamil without translation. I prefer to read Haiku sort of poems because they are * Short * Simple * Full of imagination * Worst case, tend to be a good joke I have read this poem (given below) recently. After reading the first four lines, I thought he is worried about the environment. After reading the next four lines, I felt, he is also concerned about the fellow people. And then he surprised my 'read ahead' mind with his next four lines, especially the last line because I was expecting something to show his 'social responsibility' but it was something else. What kind of person is he to have this kind of thought flow? Kovil Pillai P.

The coffee cup

I took the photo yesterday (May 10, 2008). I was thinking why I did this, because I am taking coffee everyday from the pantry? What is special about this cup of coffee? Now I realise it is because of the book I am currently reading Pour Your Heart into It . Good one! Kovil Pillai P.