You can't escape from marvelling at the wonderfulness of this human life. Can you? How perfect design it is! Between the creation and the destruction is your life, filled with surprises for every next second, goes on. You have to bow down and accept the greatness of the binding between you and everything else. As a kid, as a girl, as a wife, as a ... I think at every stage of your life, you got something to get attached and enjoy the extremity of happiness in it.
What do you think is the thing that could bring immense pleasure when you are old, say, sixties and plus? Believe me, it is the time you are going to spend with your grandchildren. Take a video of a 3-6 years old kid's day with her grandmother. You will find laughter in it. You will hear complaints. You will find anger in each other's face. You will find the quarreling in between. You will find things are exchanged, especially eatables. You will find shouting and real fights too. And few tear drops. Yet, it is all noble. I say so because, if you listen to the happenings carefully, you will find, what stays above all is their love expressed through these simple means, powerfully and deeply.
No wonder why those who get married against their parents are confident of going back when they have a child. It is such a powerful weapon to win their heart. I have seen many of my friends, at twenties, take so much care about their grandparents - their love always grows - perhaps the generation gap helps a lot in the understanding. Of course, better understanding is the root of any successful relationship.
I was thinking about my grandparents who were passed away many years ago, especially my grandmother. Since they were too far, we used to visit them only during the summer holidays and that too up to middle-school days. I could actually recall a very few moments that I spent with her. Now I strongly feel that she really missed us all. I know I can't get back her and those old days. Grandma, we are one of those unfortunates - I am really sorry to have missed you in my life.
Kovil Pillai P.
What do you think is the thing that could bring immense pleasure when you are old, say, sixties and plus? Believe me, it is the time you are going to spend with your grandchildren. Take a video of a 3-6 years old kid's day with her grandmother. You will find laughter in it. You will hear complaints. You will find anger in each other's face. You will find the quarreling in between. You will find things are exchanged, especially eatables. You will find shouting and real fights too. And few tear drops. Yet, it is all noble. I say so because, if you listen to the happenings carefully, you will find, what stays above all is their love expressed through these simple means, powerfully and deeply.
No wonder why those who get married against their parents are confident of going back when they have a child. It is such a powerful weapon to win their heart. I have seen many of my friends, at twenties, take so much care about their grandparents - their love always grows - perhaps the generation gap helps a lot in the understanding. Of course, better understanding is the root of any successful relationship.
I was thinking about my grandparents who were passed away many years ago, especially my grandmother. Since they were too far, we used to visit them only during the summer holidays and that too up to middle-school days. I could actually recall a very few moments that I spent with her. Now I strongly feel that she really missed us all. I know I can't get back her and those old days. Grandma, we are one of those unfortunates - I am really sorry to have missed you in my life.
Kovil Pillai P.