2023 gifted me 5 extra kgs, and despite my best efforts in 2024, I couldn’t shed them. The silver lining? At least it didn’t increase! 😅. Yeah, that is about my weight gaining. Over the past few years, I’ve been setting pull-up goals and missing them entirely. So, this year, I’ve decided to focus on chest press and squat goals — aiming for at least 20 kgs. I’m also thinking of setting a 390-minute sleep routine . Lately, I’ve been overindulging in sleep (450+ minutes on most days). I use two alarm timings, but they aren’t helping much, so I’m switching to a single-alarm system. I also plan to include some basic morning stretches. Despite my poor eyesight , 2024 saw me continuing my long-standing tradition of binge-watching movies and Tamil serials. This year, I really enjoyed Oppenheimer, The Art of Flight , O2, Blink, and Ghoomer. This is perhaps lesser than the previous years. The Guns of Navarone, Laughing Bhudha, Level Cross were disappointing. On the reading f...
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