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Let the Magic Pen Write for You

 Here is the old-age question: can we script our own lives, or are we mere puppets of destiny? Believing in destiny is the easiest path, as we encounter infinite things beyond our control. I've come to strongly believe that erasing God, in any form such as destiny, from our lives is impossible.

How can a seed produce both root and stem, growing in opposite directions? Can the root dream of becoming a stem? Will the root’s dream ever be realised? The easiest for the root is to be a root because that is how it is designed. It is its destiny, and it is just that - right?

Now, what of our dreams, our aspirations, our quests for achievements, fulfilment? If everything is pre-written, what about the rest of all the things we hear all along? Can we simply surrender and label it as destiny because everything is predetermined? Will we?

Honestly, I do not know.

Nevertheless, I don’t prefer to be in that state - a state where I don’t see a difference between a lifeless thing and me. There is something within me rebels against this passivity. This can be egoistic in nature; of course, it is the nature of humanity. While I can accept that things happen because of God, I still yearn for the freedom to shape my destiny. Is this impossible?

Perhaps it is funny, but here is how I imagine destiny works. For everything in this universe, God writes their destiny book, not a finished one, but one He keeps writing. He pauses intermittently, allowing us to step in and contribute. Then, He returns, reviews, realigns, and resumes His writing. This interlude is an opportunity for us to seize control. What He writes next depends on what we did during that opportunity, along with countless actions from other things. This cycle persists. If we dig deeper, we discover that no one has ever done anything that indicates the complete control over their destiny or achieved anything without using existing platforms which are not in our control. That is why I believe in this “pause” style destiny. We can only intermittently make the magic pen of God write our wish. Of course, that is, only that is, our true destiny.

Even if it is for the briefest moments, don’t miss the chance to be your own. Why? Simply because that is how you etch your mark on life. Will it offend God? No, not at all. God might be just amused, like parents enjoying their child’s defiance and allowing the child to do what he wants. Parents know how to guide from there. Defiance is a part of child’s nature, essential for their identity-building.

Finally, is seizing the opportunities really hard? Absolutely not. You can’t predict the moments. Therefore, all you have to do is keep finding ways to improve what you are already doing. It is just this habit that will make the difference, will keep you ready for anything. The challenge lies not in what needs to be done, but in how we condition ourselves to do it. Here is the never-failing mantra: start small, and the next steps will reveal themselves. If you're unsure where to begin, start by creating space for new things to come in, then figure out what that new thing is.


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