always forget that Rome Emperor’s name,” I told Hansie, who just
entered the room. You know, Julia was the first (possibly inaccurate)
person to receive “From your Valentine” message. Of course, the real
Saint Valentine sent it, from the jail, before he got killed. He was
jailed because he was performing weddings, which was banned by the Rome
Emperor Claudius II. Oh, I didn’t tell you about Asterious. He was…

was looking at me like a student listening to the post lunch history
class. Hansie needs no training. He can sleep while his eyes are open.
Hansie! Hansie! Okay, I agree, Valentine’s Day history/story is not so
entertaining. Let me tell you about love. Hansie once again was ready to
listen. Perhaps, he already knew about love. He just wanted to listen
to me.
knew Hansie wouldn’t prefer to listen Romeo — Juliet or Laila — Majnu
or Heer — Ranjha stories. I thought I would give him a direct definition
of true love. No, maybe the practical love. Here goes the list that one
needs to follow:
Be honest
Be affectionate
Practice openness
Respect other’s feelings, goals, …
Avoid controlling
Be affectionate
Practice openness
Respect other’s feelings, goals, …
Avoid controlling

Hansie was in no mood to agree with me. It was becoming pointless. Then I threw this:
Love is the random meeting of two things and a journey from there, where both or one of them is getting addicted to an inexpressible feel that pops up now and then and ready to sacrifice anything for that feel.
Well, anyone can imagine Hansie’s situation. I had to say something simple to get his attention back. Hey Hansie, true love is the feeling one gets while wagging the tail. Hansie was happy to hear it as he could relate to that very easily. I thought I got it right. But his face changed immediately. Oh, no, no, Hansie… I am not talking about cat’s tail wagging. I should have known that one could never be right when using words to express God or love. You would always end up in missing something, even after adding that missing something.
I gave him the green turtle toy which he loves to play with. Hansie just left without touching it.