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Passion? Purpose? The journey of one(?) mad life

What is the right way of living this life? No matter how well I prepare, I am back to square one with no answers. That is ridiculous. Because there is an end, end of life and this life ends as a mystery. Am I living the right one, the right way? Can purpose, passion, peace, achievements and a hundred other things define the right life? Either individually or in combinations? Should I live for now or for the future or the so called balanced? I tend to believe that the more I define the less I live.

Can everyone in the world pursue their passion? Oftentimes I feel that the passion is a fancy thing introduced recently and getting fancier everyday. If I say frog jump is my passion and I wish to jump throughout the country, then there could be people who would come and encourage me, after all passion shouldn’t be discouraged. I can Imagine a world where everyone is doing some “passion” thing to get the Noble prize - I can only imagine. Finding my passion of my life and achieving it are all actually feels like deceiving myself. I shouldn’t consider “passion” as the way of living. Or have I misunderstood the meaning of passion?

A purposeful life can be the right one, but how will I define the purposefulness? Is it for the self or for the people related to me or for the universe? Everybody is working to earn more and more money. Should I say money is the real purpose of life? You are laughing. Aren’t you? I may tempted to say that whatever man has created shouldn’t be a part of defining the purpose of life. I can't say that. The rest doesn’t have any connection with the purpose of life. Time erases everything and that includes whatever I now believe as purpose.

Basically, I can say that wake up everyday and do something and worry not about the future and that is the right way of living. Am I going to live like that? It doesn’t matter yes or no but I am sure almost the whole world is in this way, of course, few glamourous things added here and there to project uniqueness, to project worthiness. This world is somehow trained itself to control the way of one’s living and yet make the person feel that he is in control of his life.

The one who studied law need not be the best of lawyers, the one who studied medicine need not be the best of doctors, the one who born in a log cabin in the woods need not be the best of hunters. They can become something else. There is no passion. There is no purpose. Mahatmas, revolutionaries or great leaders are just happenings. Yeah, we can later call it a passion or purpose. When I say “just happenings”, I am saying that we don’t have any control over them. I won’t mind saying it as “God’s plan”. In fact, God is the easiest answer for everything, even if you believe you have already found answers to many of your questions by yourself.

 The trouble with God is the very definition of Him. If He can do everything, then why my life? I can’t go with fifty-fifty style with God. Of course, if I listen to religious people, they may give me a reason for it. There are billions of people who believe in those reasons. Can there be many lives for a single soul? Maybe yes. A bird picks a seed and flies high in the sky. It doesn’t become a tree. The bird drops it at the top of the hill. It doesn’t become a tree. The sun rises and sets. It doesn't become a tree. It rains and the season is right, the seed sprouts and in a few years it becomes a tree. Our genes too are transferred generation after generation without doing anything significant. That is why we inherit characteristics from our parents. But when it is time, it will do something enormous, something that particular gene is destined for, waited for. Again, God is the answer for your why, if any!

Well, should everyone believe in God to define their life, to find the way to live their life? I don’t know. By the way, God is required only when you got questions that you wish to know the answers. It is also possible to live in a non-questioning mode. That could be heaven like life as questioning is what troubling us. There is no best or worst. There is no right or wrong. Whatever things come in your way, take it and do. You shouldn’t question why now or why you? No questions. You simply do things. What… do what?


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