I always find it very interesting to attempt to define two things: 1. Love 2. God. They keep changing, I mean the definition. The best so far is to leave them undefined. Anyway, that cannot be a definition. Let me attempt one more time here. Of course, only about love now :) By the way, you don’t have to agree or disagree with me as I am sure I am not really going succeed in giving it a definition.
I have to observe the patterns. I have to understand the historical evidences. I have to watch some great movies. I have to interview people. I have to read hundreds of books. I have to spend time with people. I mean, I have to start somewhere… where do I actually start? Oh, don’t worry. I am not going to do any of these and share you a thesis.
Do you think infancy is when the love is truly felt? Maybe yes! There is surely no mind or the mind cannot be corrupted that early. Oh, wait! Then, is there a heart involved? If no, OMG, a love without mind and heart, possible? Let me answer it a little later (actually I won’t).
I think we are formally introduced to love by our parents. It is part of their role in developing good characters in us. Of course, later love’s meaning goes towards gender basis. Just like so many other things, love too is not understood well in that part of our life.
20s are typically a tough period for love as it tend to lose its true(!) nature. Or I can say it don’t exist at all. We don’t just love someone. The future, society, status, family and many more can drive love. Fortunately, love re-enters in its real nature when you become a parent and reaches its peak when you become a grandparent. It is just that our understanding changes when we grow!
Am I deviating from the original plan, i.e. define love?

Two hands move. No heads turned. Two hands move. No words spoken. Two hands move. No eyes moved. Two hands move. One to hold and one to be hold. That is one of the grandest and finest displays of love.
Is it hard to define love or is it impossible to define love? I don’t know. In fact, few of the earlier paragraphs are written as if the definition of love changes as we grow. I am wrong. Actually, it is not. Love is not what is done. Love is not how it is done. What and How can be replicated and still it won’t be love. Because, that is how it is :). Love is such a simple thing and it doesn’t require anything special apart from a normal moment leaving a trace of inexpressible blissfulness when they pass by. These moments never stop blossoming. They are there forever.
I have to observe the patterns. I have to understand the historical evidences. I have to watch some great movies. I have to interview people. I have to read hundreds of books. I have to spend time with people. I mean, I have to start somewhere… where do I actually start? Oh, don’t worry. I am not going to do any of these and share you a thesis.
Do you think infancy is when the love is truly felt? Maybe yes! There is surely no mind or the mind cannot be corrupted that early. Oh, wait! Then, is there a heart involved? If no, OMG, a love without mind and heart, possible? Let me answer it a little later (actually I won’t).
I think we are formally introduced to love by our parents. It is part of their role in developing good characters in us. Of course, later love’s meaning goes towards gender basis. Just like so many other things, love too is not understood well in that part of our life.
20s are typically a tough period for love as it tend to lose its true(!) nature. Or I can say it don’t exist at all. We don’t just love someone. The future, society, status, family and many more can drive love. Fortunately, love re-enters in its real nature when you become a parent and reaches its peak when you become a grandparent. It is just that our understanding changes when we grow!
Am I deviating from the original plan, i.e. define love?

Two hands move. No heads turned. Two hands move. No words spoken. Two hands move. No eyes moved. Two hands move. One to hold and one to be hold. That is one of the grandest and finest displays of love.
Is it hard to define love or is it impossible to define love? I don’t know. In fact, few of the earlier paragraphs are written as if the definition of love changes as we grow. I am wrong. Actually, it is not. Love is not what is done. Love is not how it is done. What and How can be replicated and still it won’t be love. Because, that is how it is :). Love is such a simple thing and it doesn’t require anything special apart from a normal moment leaving a trace of inexpressible blissfulness when they pass by. These moments never stop blossoming. They are there forever.