How mercilessly helpless and hopeless are the days ahead may seem when the death takes away the loved ones! My teammate and I were arguing over God’s unfairness on the unexpected demise of one our friends which had happened a few months ago. God must be accepted with no question as otherwise no point in believing in God was his argument. It had happened for some reason though we know nothing about it. I couldn’t accept nor I knew how to deny it. He also shared Jenman Niranthathu song by Vairamuthu - it got no connection with the argument.

One of my lunch-mates was working with a deadline on releasing mobile apps in parallel with web version for the new service during last month. Apple rejected the iOS app for some reason, though he prepared for the rejection he was desperate to get it approved immediately. He submitted the app again and it went to “In Review” state but unchanged for several hours which is not the normal case. He was clueless and he was preparing to resubmit it, hoping that would help. He prepared everything and before submitting he went to talk to other leads and the manager for suggestions. By the time he returned to his place, the app got approved. He was happy that he had those discussions that deferred the re-submission.
I came across Many Lives Many Masters, Ulidavaru Kandante, It Happens for a Reason and Kahi in recent months. They are absolutely random picks and somehow falls under the same theme - everything happens for a reason. It might be acceptable if I say they are the reasons for me to write this post. How about the reverse? That sounds so ridiculous to me :)
So, do you believe in “it happens for a reason “? I am sure it is too easy to say yes but too hard to live in that way because we want to have our own life. Life is just that - the fight against the Unknown to prove that I am the reason for the happenings in my life.