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Showing posts from August, 2017

Friendship Dots

Love or Friendship - which is unconditional? If “Love is blind” is acceptable to you than you might also OK with "love is unconditional". I guess it is not easy to say friendship is unconditional. Or is it? I thought I would say friendship is conditional but then a little deeper thinking on that led me nowhere though there was something that felt partly convincing. Friendship is just a phase and over the time it either creeps into the non existence or quietly transforms itself into a mere good relationship. Apart from the exceptional divine friendships, the rest gets a dot - the end.  There is no point in continuing a relationship which you just believed is friendship as it otherwise keep hurting you with no real worth. Put a dot and let it go. When your weaknesses are no longer accepted and brings disrespect, put a dot to that friendship and open the exit gates. Friendship can bear mistakes but it should never tolerate betrayal. Bring the dot in place when the promise of...