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Showing posts from July, 2016

3 Magical steps for the perfect body weight

Even if you have not tried, I hope you heard about the fastest weight loss "7 Days GM Diet" plan. That seems to be working for many. There are people who want to lose weight and people who want to gain weight. You could find thousands of blog posts on diet. And lots of books , like The Dukan Diet are available. But here is the stop for all your search, just follow the below three steps and feel the magic. Step 1. Eat a good amount of Carbohydrates and Proteins Step 2. Take Fat, Vitamins, Minerals and etc. Step 3. Drink Water That is it! Yes, it should be clear to you now that I don't understand these weight loss/gain techniques ;) Not only that, I don't believe much in these diet techniques too, basically because it is very difficult to interpret them. For example, if it says that eating something in the morning is good for health, then first I have to define morning. It can be the time I wake up or the sunrise time. If it is sunrise time, then should it be be...