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Bury the pain and start loving the new

Oh, how painful, the first gone - the colour of your life! You wish that heartbreaking moment had never happened to you. Alas, it had happened! I can understand your turmoil. In fact, most of us do understand this uneasy feeling that kills you every moment. Remember, there are millions of young people like you who go through this phase of life. I guess (only guess) girls are so much cautious about it and they don't go through this hell, at least, majority of them.

You won't know when this thought of gone thing would resurface and hurt you. You might be talking and laughing with your friends while sipping a cup of coffee. You accidentally see something that reminds you of your own. You are disturbed and feel like throwing your coffee - though it need not be the reason for your current state. In fact, you do trash it! Your friends can see what you are going through. If you have got married friends in your group, they may try to help by quoting "this too shall pass". After all, despite of its pain, they all crossed this phase successfully.

Do you think I can give you some solution? Nope. It is your turn now to endure this suffering, alone, all alone. No one can do anything about it. It is very natural and whether to suffer thinking of it or ignore is in your hands. When the history shows no answer to your aching questions that yearn for remedy, you should simply drop the question. That is the way to be happy. After all, you are just another common young man and not a genius to deliver miracles.

Do you believe in scientific facts? It says this is caused by the absence of melanin which are produced by melanocytes. These melanocytes die very early and we can't prevent it. And unfortunately we can only quicken it by means such as stress, excess caffeine intake and smoking. Anyway, this is irreversible part of life and instead of worrying about it just bury the thought of it and start loving it as yet another blessing along with everything else that life offers. Believe me, you can easily make it nothing by excelling in hundreds of other things.

Kovil Pillai P.


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