Travelling on the bus footboard is courageous, energetic, adventures, fun filled and not everyone can do but the costliest price for it is life. After the recent incident (four students travelling on the overcrowded bus were killed in an accident on early this month), the court had advised that the student travelling on the footboard caught more than once can be expelled from the institution and the government arranged lots of MTC staff members to monitor and regulate this. I am surprised why the court had not strengthened the order like "all the buses should have a door and it should be closed?". Punish the authorities instead of the students. It is OK, there is no single solution that can be agreed and applied everywhere.
It is very common for the buses to stop about 100 meters away from the bus stop making people to run behind the bus in most of the stops. One of the saddest parts of it is the old people waiting for the bus. Many of them are not really in a position to identify the bus number while the bus is coming and the bus starts before they could find and move towards the bus. Apart from few cases where the bus driver starts the bus without caring about whether people are still getting into the bus or not, nothing much the bus drivers nor the people outside could do about it. Sometimes I think that the private vehicles (more than 50% of the cars I see have just one or two people inside) can take them even if it is just for the next stop but then I realize it won't work even theoretically! It is OK, they get what they deserve for their investment in their younger times.
When I walk from the bus stop to my company I could find either a old man or old woman or rarely together begging. It is always uncomfortable watching old people begging. At times, I curse God for leaving them into that kind of life. Of course, I haven't offered them any money nor any form of help nor I think I will attempt to do something for them in the near future too. The bible verses I heard in my school days says Jesus cured the blind beggars. It is OK, as long as the world doesn't have enough resources to proclaim the begging as crime.
How annoying are the guys distributing the loan pamphlets, cards... in front of the company campus. The worst are those who just stand next to the begging old man, one hand is begging and the other is with some cards. I ignore both. What sort of job is this? I wonder whether the pay they get for this job can be justified. They watch hundreds of people of their own age, few with lesser education qualification, entering into DLF and obviously earning a lot more. It is OK, neither Socialism, Communism, Democracy... has done anything nor science has started creating humans.
Kovil Pillai P.