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The Kite Runner

Usually, I buy and read book suggested by my friends but no one suggested me to read the book "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini". I neither heard about it before I accidentally bought it. I was looking for the books I planned to buy in the Chennai Bookfair 2011 and I found this book. There was something attractive, though it was not as beautiful as of many of the books cover design, it should be the cover of it, because all I could see was only the book cover. I took it in my hand and asked myself, should I buy this?, yes was the answer and I bought it. I completed reading this book last week, after keeping it the shelf for almost 2 years. I am glad I got this book. It is one of best books I read in the recent years. The phrase "For you, a thousand times over" lingering in the mind is the proof that I really enjoyed reading this book and moved so much ;)

"I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975", Amir recalls his childhood days and takes the reader into his journey, in three sections. Amir, son of Baba, spends his early life in Kabul with his servant's son Hassan of his age. Hassan is a good kite runner and helps Amir in all the ways. Baba is one the most admired, determined and loved persons in area. Ali, Baba's loyal servant. He belongs to Hazzara, an ethinic minority. Rahim Kahan is Baba's good friend. This section deals about the lovely Kabul days and Amir's relationship with Hassan; Their best of times and Amir's secret hatred towards Hassan; how Baba stood as a man of values and his contribution to the people around him; and how Rahim Khan helps Amir to understand his father and how he motivates Amir to take up the story writing. This part ends with Amir's betraying the innocent Hassan. The second section shows about the Soviet Union's Afghanistan invasion and Baba-Ali's escape to California. How Amir got married, lost his Baba and his book writings. And it moves to the next section when a phone call made Amir to return to Kabul. He learns about Ali and Hassan's death and find Hassan's son Shorab and after a struggle, he takes him to California. And the novel ends with Amir running to catch the kite for Shorab. Full Story

When I read the first paragraph "That was a long time ago, but it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty‐six years", I knew it would be good, the style I love reading. One of the best books that depicts the stage it is set, the events, the characters and the emotional mood of everything in it. The houses, the trees, Amir, Hassan, Baba... you can see them all when you read the book. "I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night." Each word is selected, fits so perfectly that brings the best of what it says. You shouldn't miss this book. If you are a reader and love watching the way it is written, this book is a must read book for you. The deeper and the deeper you move, you will be enthralled by the beauty of words' greatness, the extraordinary work by Khaled Hosseini.

Plot summary from wikipedia
Part I

Amir, a well-to-do Pashtun boy, and Hassan, a Hazara who is the son of Ali, Amir's father's servant, spend their days in the hitherto peaceful city of Kabul, kite fighting. Amir's father, a wealthy merchant, whom Amir affectionately refers to as Baba, loves both boys, but is often more harshly critical of Amir, considering him weak and lacking in courage. Amir finds a kinder fatherly figure in Rahim Khan, Baba's closest friend. Khan understands Amir and supports his interest in writing. Amir explains that his first word was 'Baba' and Hassan's 'Amir', suggesting that Amir looks up most to Baba, while Hassan looks up to Amir.

Assef, a notorious sociopath and violent older boy, mocks Amir for socializing with a Hazara, which is, according to Assef, an inferior race whose members belong only in Hazarajat. One day, he prepares to attack Amir with brass knuckles, but Hassan bravely stands up to him, threatening to shoot out Assef's eye out with his slingshot. Assef and his posse back off, but Assef threatens revenge.

Hassan is a successful "kite runner" for Amir, knowing where the kite will land without watching it. One triumphant day, Amir wins the local tournament, and finally Baba's praise. Hassan runs for the last cut kite, a great trophy, saying to Amir, "For you, a thousand times over." Unfortunately, Hassan encounters Assef in an alleyway after finding the kite. Hassan refuses to give up Amir's kite, and Assef decides to teach Hassan a lesson. He beats him severely and then anally rapes him. Amir witnesses the act but is too scared to intervene. Secretly, he also knows that if he intervenes, he might not be able to bring the kite home; therefore, Baba would be less proud of him. After witnessing this brutal act against his dearest friend, he feels incredibly guilty, but knows that his cowardice would destroy any hopes for Baba's affections, so he tells no one what he saw. Afterward, Amir keeps a distance from Hassan, his guilt preventing him from interacting with the boy. Jealous of Baba's love for Hassan, Amir worries that if Baba found out about Hassan's bravery and his own cowardice, Baba's love for Hassan would grow even more.

Amir, filled with guilt on his birthday, cannot enjoy his gifts.[2] The only present that does not feel like "blood" money is the notebook to write his stories in given to him by Rahim Khan, his father's friend and the only one Amir felt really understood him.

Amir feels life would be easier if Hassan were not around, so he plants a watch and some money under Hassan's mattress in hopes that Baba will make him leave; Hassan falsely confesses when confronted by Baba. Baba forgives him, despite the fact that, as he explains earlier, he believes that "there is no act more wretched than stealing." Hassan and Ali, to Baba's extreme sorrow, leave anyway. It is clear that Ali knows about Hassan's rape. Their leaving frees Amir of the daily reminder of his cowardice and betrayal, but he still lives in the shadow of these things.

Part II

Five years later, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan in 1979. Amir and Baba escape to Peshawar, Pakistan and then to Fremont, California, where Amir and Baba, who lived in luxury in an expensive mansion in Afghanistan, settle in a run-down apartment and Baba begins work at a gas station. Amir eventually takes classes at a local community college to develop his writing skills after graduating from high school at age twenty. Every Sunday, Baba and Amir make extra money selling used goods at a flea market in San Jose. There, Amir meets fellow refugee Soraya Taheri and her family. Soraya's father, General Taheri, once a high-ranking officer in Afghanistan, has contempt for Amir's literary aspiration. Baba is diagnosed with terminal small cell carcinoma but is still capable of granting Amir one last favor: he asks Soraya's father's permission for Amir to marry her. He agrees and the two marry. Shortly thereafter Baba dies. Amir and Soraya settle down in a happy marriage, but to their sorrow they learn that they cannot have children.

Amir embarks on a successful career as a novelist. Fifteen years after his wedding, Amir receives a call from Rahim Khan, who is dying from an illness. Rahim Khan asks Amir to come to Peshawar, Pakistan. He enigmatically tells Amir, "There is a way to be good again." Amir goes.

Part III

From Rahim Khan, Amir learns the fates of Ali and Hassan. Ali was killed by a land mine. Hassan had a wife named Farzana and a son named Sohrab. He had lived in a village near Bamiyan, but returned to Baba's house as a caretaker at Rahim Khan's request, although he moved to a hut in the yard so as not to dishonor Amir by taking his place in the house. During his stay, his mother Sanaubar returned after a long search for him, and died after four years. One month after Rahim Khan left for Pakistan, the Taliban ordered Hassan to give up the house and leave, but he refused, and was executed, along with Farzana. Rahim Khan reveals that Ali was not really Hassan's father, that Ali was sterile, and that Hassan was actually Baba's son, and therefore Amir's half-brother. Finally, Rahim Khan tells Amir that the true reason he called Amir to Pakistan was to rescue Sohrab from an orphanage in Kabul.

Rahim Khan asks Amir to bring Sohrab to Thomas and Betty Caldwell, who own an orphanage.[3] Amir becomes furious; he feels cheated because he had not known that Hassan was his half-brother.[4] Amir finally relents and decides to go to Kabul to get Sohrab.[5] He travels in a taxi with an Afghan driver named Farid,[6] a veteran of the war with the Soviets, and stays as a guest at Farid's brother Wahid's house. Farid, initially hostile to Amir, is sympathetic when he hears of Amir's true reason for returning, and offers to accompany him on his journey.

Amir searches for Sohrab at the orphanage. To enter Taliban territory, clean shaven Amir wears a fake beard and mustache. However, Sohrab is not at the orphanage; its director tells them that a Taliban official comes often, brings cash, and usually takes a girl away with him. Once in a while however, he takes a boy, recently Sohrab. The director tells Amir to go to a soccer match, where the procurer makes speeches at half-time. Farid secures an appointment with the speaker at his home, by claiming to have "personal business" with him.

At the house, Amir meets the man, who turns out to be Assef. Assef recognizes Amir from the outset, but Amir does not recognise Assef until he asks about Ali, Baba, and Hassan. Sohrab is being kept at Assef's home where he is made to dance dressed in women's clothes, and it seems Assef may have raped him. (Sohrab later confirms this saying, "I'm so dirty and full of sin. The bad man and the other two did things to me.") Assef agrees to relinquish him, but only for a price—cruelly beating Amir. However, Amir is saved when Sohrab uses his slingshot to shoot out Assef's left eye, fulfilling Hassan's threat made many years before.

While at a hospital treating his injuries, Amir asks Farid to find information about Thomas and Betty Caldwell.[7] When Farid returns, he tells Amir that the American couple does not exist.[8]

Amir tells Sohrab of his plans to take him back to America and possibly adopt him, and promises that he will never be sent to an orphanage again. However, US authorities demand evidence of Sohrab's orphan status. After decades of war, this is all but impossible to get in Afghanistan. Amir tells Sohrab that he may have to temporarily break his promise until the paperwork is completed. Upon hearing this, Sohrab attempts suicide. Amir eventually takes him back to the United States without an orphanage, and introduces him to his wife. However, Sohrab is emotionally damaged and refuses to speak to or even glance at Soraya. His frozen emotions eventually thaw when Amir reminisces about Hassan and kites. Amir shows off some of Hassan's tricks, and Sohrab begins to interact with Amir again. In the end Sohrab only shows a lopsided smile, but Amir takes to it with all his heart as he runs the kite for Sohrab, saying, "For you, a thousand times over."

Kovil Pillai P.


Bhavamanasa said…
Kovil, this is among the top, in my list of favorite books. You may want to read a 'Thousand Splendid Suns' as well. I found it better than the Kite Runner, but again, perspectives can differ. Nonetheless, it is a great book too! Kiterunner is a boy book, TSS is a girl book. Hope you'll enjoy it just as much!
DreamingAway said…
I will read TSS. If you haven't watched the movie "The Kite Runner", by "Marc Forster" you are yet to complete "The Kite Runner"!

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