I know it is illegal to fail in your attempt to kill yourself. But then, is succeeding that difficult? (I am not going to try it for the next 70 years) Why can't these old people (sample pictures below) choose death as a solution? They should escape from these pangs of old age. No point in dragging. If a person is not physically fit and has no money and support at 60+, I am wondering why he should live. Won't the hopes of tomorrow elude and hurt them along with the memories? They die every day. Realistically, they live a hopeless life and what is there in a life with no real hope? Sometimes, I feel, the society should not provide them an opportunity to survive. In fact, I think, just one out of 1000 among us is doing this mistake. Stop it. Mere breathing is not life. That is a religious ritual of life - no God in it.
He was selling flowers and plants. I don't know what he is doing now. The winter, the Christmas, is ahead.

Sunday is a good day for beggars as most of the Christians listen to the sermon (God will pay you back if you give it to the poor people) and tries to follow (?) it at least for an hour. I was watching this man for five minutes, he got no money.

It was 15.00 hrs and very near to the bus stop. For a second, I thought I myself would go and help her. Then I controlled myself. That is not my duty as it is not of those hundreds of people moving there.

Do you think I am wrong? Do you think these people might be helping some cause? Do you think these people might be helping someone ... If so, go ahead and throw the starfish, just one starfish into the sea? Don't be an average person who does no action. These old trees might have a precious seed that needs to be taken care. It is not just the tree but the seed that matters now. Search for it, find it. Plant it. Fertilize it with the hopes and dreams of the tree, after all, that is why the tree is trying to be alive. Nobody is equal in front of God. These seed might bring far superior fruits than you and me. Give your contribution. One day, you will find the old tree smiling in heavens. It is not the heartbeats that lives but the dreams that is realized.
Kovil Pillai P.
He was selling flowers and plants. I don't know what he is doing now. The winter, the Christmas, is ahead.
Sunday is a good day for beggars as most of the Christians listen to the sermon (God will pay you back if you give it to the poor people) and tries to follow (?) it at least for an hour. I was watching this man for five minutes, he got no money.
It was 15.00 hrs and very near to the bus stop. For a second, I thought I myself would go and help her. Then I controlled myself. That is not my duty as it is not of those hundreds of people moving there.
Do you think I am wrong? Do you think these people might be helping some cause? Do you think these people might be helping someone ... If so, go ahead and throw the starfish, just one starfish into the sea? Don't be an average person who does no action. These old trees might have a precious seed that needs to be taken care. It is not just the tree but the seed that matters now. Search for it, find it. Plant it. Fertilize it with the hopes and dreams of the tree, after all, that is why the tree is trying to be alive. Nobody is equal in front of God. These seed might bring far superior fruits than you and me. Give your contribution. One day, you will find the old tree smiling in heavens. It is not the heartbeats that lives but the dreams that is realized.
Kovil Pillai P.