Generally I don't play computer games but somehow I got addicted to Windows® Spider - card game, just finished 1000 wins at 40% success rate.
Losing 12 games in a streak is very simple as you just have to keep losing but winning 8 games in a streak is never an easy job. I am glad I did it.
39% success, that is the lowest score so far. I don't think I will let it go below that as I am becoming an expert.
Sometimes it really tests your patience, 4325 moves, surely more than an hour, I won't think of doing that again.
You know, I play only "Difficulty: Four suits".
It takes about an hour to finish four games and I have played over 2500 games, the realization hurts - the amount of time I have spent, especially after following lots of time management techniques.
Kovil Pillai P.