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I prefer to read Haiku sort of poems because they are
* Short
* Simple
* Full of imagination
* Worst case, tend to be a good joke
I have read this poem (given below) recently.
After reading the first four lines, I thought he is worried about the environment.
After reading the next four lines, I felt, he is also concerned about the fellow people.
And then he surprised my 'read ahead' mind with his next four lines, especially the last line because I was expecting something to show his 'social responsibility' but it was something else.
What kind of person is he to have this kind of thought flow?

Kovil Pillai P.

I prefer to read Haiku sort of poems because they are
* Short
* Simple
* Full of imagination
* Worst case, tend to be a good joke
I have read this poem (given below) recently.
After reading the first four lines, I thought he is worried about the environment.
After reading the next four lines, I felt, he is also concerned about the fellow people.
And then he surprised my 'read ahead' mind with his next four lines, especially the last line because I was expecting something to show his 'social responsibility' but it was something else.
What kind of person is he to have this kind of thought flow?

Kovil Pillai P.