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Showing posts from December, 2020

December Rain - 11

    “It was a game. It was fun. What else did I achieve, as a school boy, by chasing few dogs with my friends and hit them accurately with stones while they ran at their best speed?”. Sipping his hot coffee, my friend looked at me as if asking “you did that?”. “Sure, I did. In fact, I used to carry lots of small stones with me when I take my dog for a walk. No dog should bark at my dog or come closer.” “Oh,” he smiled, smelling some egoism in my act. “Have you seen the joggers hit the dogs when they bark at them?”. “Yes!”. I guess he was not in a mood to talk. “I think people who walk in the streets at late evening hours hate to hear the barking sound. It creates some fear. You know what, few of them target these dogs during the daytime. The light gives them some courage to take revenge.” He was trying to take more sips, to finish it fast. The coffee must be getting cold faster than the usual ;) “Did you read about the Delhi’s dog serial killer and the Chennai medical student ...