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Showing posts from May, 2019

When you become a manager

Phase1 : I was listening to an argument between my sister and her daughter. It felt very familiar. Yeah, that was almost the same kind of argument that my sister had with our mom when she was at this age. I am sure she wouldn’t have forgotten it too but still she has to be on the other side now. The reason is very simple. Now she understand things in a broader sense. There are things that we cannot understand when we are kids. The whole perception changes as we grow. Of course, we do drop a few but then we add a few and somehow we make sure that it goes on. The Golden rule “Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them.” is not going to be applicable everywhere. +Phase 2 : It is a misery when you want to vote and elect a good leader and find none in that caliber. The greater misery is when the one who you believed and voted becomes just another ordinary politician. Let us ignore the real bad politicians. Can the rest do what they promise? They can’t. It is quite unders...