I am grown up, grown up from the one who asked “why God created these people?” to the one who is curious to know “when will God show the divineness hidden in these people?” - never in a position to drop God from the context and now that attempt fails faster than ever before. Religious places are where we first meet these people, at least in India, as they occupy the entrance, praying God that we would be merciful to them. I wasn’t. I always wanted them to go away, faraway, to the heaven or hell. Regardless of whether it was physical or mental disability, I never felt that they got any meaning in life. When I first heard the Beethoven story - composing his masterpiece when he was completely deaf or John Milton’s Paradise Lost which he wrote when he was almost blind, I was dismissive of it rather than feeling inspired. I was arguing that we would be okay without them. After all, this world has got millions of great works buried in it which we will never get to know. There were time...
Beyond your imagination