Being Normal is absolutely fine, no denying that this world is full of Normal lovers. You need to be a mad sage super hero to try any other form. Inferno, Hell, Nightmare, Survival whatever the name be, anything beyond Normal is just too much to handle. Yes, there are thousands of "achievers". But should you be one of those Budhas or Einsteins? Not really. Imagine all your neighbours as Einsteins - hell or heaven? In fact, the pleasure of playing the normal level is itself a great challenge. At times or almost always the numbers are just numbers and they fail to touch us. 6+ million kids don't make it to their 5 th birthday every year. So what? Life is just like that. You reach 5 or 10 or 50 ... - no matter how controlled it is, it just ends! One could list hundreds of reasons for it. But eventually the painful suffering of the heart will raise the ultimate question of mankind, "God, Why?" which is the easiest question for Him to leave it un...
Beyond your imagination